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All bags clamps and nets must be removed prior to the cylinder being sent for testing.

This is so that it is in a condition to be tested.

Hydrostatic  Test

This is what “you” need to do before we test your Cylinder

This is what we do when we test your Cylinder.

All stickers are Removed

This is to prepare the cylinder for inspection.

(so if you have special ones please remove them before you send the cylinder for test, as we cannot return any)

The Cylinder Boot is Removed

The Valve is Removed

Outside Inspection

The outside of the cylinder is methodically and carefully inspected for Rust, dents, bulges and scrapes.

Thread Inspection

The cylinder neck threads are extensively inspected and tested with a calibrated gauge

( Go-No- Go)

Internal Inspection

The cylinder is checked inside with an endoscope

(if it fails due to rust then it can be shot blasted but will need to be hydrostatically tested)

Valve Inspection

The valve threads are extensively inspected and tested with a calibrated gauge( Go-No- Go)

Both the cylinder threads and the regulator threads (if any) are checked.

The Din Thread are the most common failure point on a Valve.

The Valve is Serviced

And refitted to the correct torque.

Cylinder is Stamped

The cylinder is then hard stamped with the date and the IDEST Centre Number 4D.

Stickers Applied

An IDEST collar sticker is applied, and a band sticker applied in line with the gas being used.

Report / Certificate

A report and certificate are then completed.

Please note Copy Certificates are £30

(so don’t lose them!)

Pressure Test

If the cylinder has passed all checks so far then it will be hydrostatically tested the pressure “pot”.

Dry Cylinder